So by now, many of you have met my daughter Sadie - through our Facebook posts or on this blog. If you haven't, here's a quick primer: she's 18 months old; she's obsessed with bananas (baby-das), dogs (woof-woofs), and panda bears (payas); and she's pretty cute.

So last night, I wanted to dig in on her 2015 goals. Here's what she and I came up with:

  1. Eat more baby-das (remember, those are bananas) than little humanly possible.
  2. Be supportive when little bro/sis arrives in May.
  3. Poo and pee in the potty (but only after pooing and peeing on the living room carpet at least 4 times).
  4. Gain at least 5 lbs.
  5. Escape the crib at least once, giving Mom and Dad a heart attack.
  6. Continue extreme mullet growth.
  7. Finally get some air in my jumping attempts.
  8. Convince Mom and Dad to get me a real woof-woof.
  9. Expand my hugging repertoire to include Dad, not just Mom.
  10. Increase cuteness factor by at least 1.5x.

Happy New Year!

COO & Mimo Dad