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The Basics Setup Monitoring Network


What’s in the box?

Congrats on getting your Mimo, the world’s smartest baby monitor. So what do you have in that beautiful box?

If you purchased (or were lucky enough to be gifted) a starter kit, then in the box is:

  • 3 soft cotton kimonos (0-3 month, 3-6 month, 6-12 month sizes)
  • 1 Lilypad (charger and base station)
  • 1 Turtle (low-power Bluetooth transmitter)
  • 1 USB cable and wall charger
  • 1 audio cable (for Android programming)

If you have a refill kit, then you’ve got:

  • 2 soft cotton kimonos of one size (0-3 month, 3-6 month, or 6-12 month).
What exactly is the Lilypad?

The Lilypad is a critical component to the Mimo system and allows for all information about your baby to reach your smartphone or tablet. So what’s inside the Lilypad?

  • microphone - allows you to listen to your baby
  • WiFi module - transmits information through your home’s internet to the cloud
  • Bluetooth module - receives information about your baby from the Turtle
  • charging base - allows for the Turtle to power up
What exactly is the Turtle?

The Turtle is a critical component to the Mimo system and allows for all information about your baby to be transmitted to the Lilypad, through your home’s internet, and to your smartphone or tablet. So what’s inside the Turtle?

  • low power Bluetooth module - sends all information about your baby to your phone or tablet, via the Lilypad
  • accelerometer - for detecting motion and the position of your baby
  • respiration sensor chip - gathers data from the sensors on the kimono
What are the green strips on the kimono?

The green strips on your baby’s kimono serve a very important role in communicating vital information about your baby.

The strips are very thin sensors that sit between two layers of thin vinyl. The vinyl keeps the sensors protected, and the sensors pick up on even the most minute changes in movement of your baby’s chest. They actually work in unison, sensing small changes in distance between one another. As your baby’s chest rises and falls when she breathes, the sensors identify that movement, and that’s what you then see on your phone: her inhaling and exhaling in a moving graph. Even when your baby’s on her stomach, the sensors pick up her chest movements.

Can I put my kimonos in the wash?

You bet! Feel free to put your kimonos in the cold wash. To ensure your kimonos live long lives, they should be placed in the dryer on low heat only.

What do the lights on the Lilypad mean?

So you’ve got your Lilypad plugged in and it’s glowing red… or green… or orange… so what do these colors mean anyway?

  • solid red: your Lilypad has yet to be programmed by your phone
  • blinking red: you’ve programmed your Lilypad, but it can’t find your WiFi
  • solid/flashing green: all systems go - the Lilypad is connected to the server!
  • green + red (aka, orange): Turtle is charging
  • green, with the tip of the Lilypad red: microphone is on
How do I get the Mimo app?

Simple! Just log in to your App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android) account, search for “Mimo”, and download the Mimo app. Once downloaded, tap in and you’re good to go!

What’s the optimal room setup for Mimo?

We know each Mimo setup is different - you may be co-sleeping with your baby, your baby may be in her own room, you may use a moses basket or a crib. We’ve designed the Mimo to adapt to your setup, but there are a few best practices that we recommend implementing to ensure that your Mimo operates smoothly and effectively.

  • The ideal distance between the Turtle and Lilypad is less than 5 feet.
  • If the Turtle is charging on the Lilypad, and you’re ready to move it to the kimono to begin your sleeptime routine, we recommend doing so in the same room as the Lilypad. This ensures the connection between the Turtle and the Lilypad remains strong.
  • For multiples, we recommend placing the Lilypad in between the two cribs/bassinets - again, keeping a minimal distance between the Turtles and the Lilypad.
Issues setting up my Lilypad

Occasionally, users bump into issues setting up their Lilypads. See below for common troubleshooting techniques.

  • Lilypad can’t find WiFi (lights are solid red)
    • unplug and replug the Lilypad (you may need to do this a few times)
    • move the Lilypad closer to the router (just for setup)
    • make sure your router is set to 2.4GHz and b/g modes - see the article “How do I change my network settings” under the “Networking” support section for how to check on this
    • make sure your password is correct, and that it contains only letters and numbers - the Lilypad has trouble connecting when special characters are in the mix!
  • Lilypad has connected to your WiFi, but can’t find the server / isn’t being programmed properly (Lilypad lights are flashing red)
    • unplug and replug the Lilypad (you may need to do this a few times)
    • double-check the router settings, as noted above
    • for Android, check out to program the Lilypad using your computer
  • If you’re still having issues, email or call us! or 877.415.MIMO.
How do I change the name of my Turtle?

Great question! Either you never saved the Turtle with your baby’s name, or you don’t like the name of your Turtle. Either way, we forgive you. To change the name of your Turtle, simply:

For iOS:

  • Head into the Settings section of the app
  • Tap on “Turtles”
  • Tap on the name of the Turtle you wish to change
  • Tap again on that Turtle name. You’ll be able to change it there!

For Android:

  • Head into the Settings section of the app
  • Tap on the current Turtle
  • Tap on the name of the current Turtle
  • Enter the new name, and tap “save”!

How do I share the Turtle?

One of the key benefits of the Mimo is the ability for all of your baby’s loving caregivers to be on the same page. With the Mimo app, you can “share” your baby’s Mimo by simply allowing others to access your baby’s Turtle data.

For iOS:

As long as they’ve downloaded the Mimo app, all you need to do is head into the Settings section of the app, tap on “Turtles”, then on the particular Turtle you’d like to share, then tap the share button in the top right hand corner of the screen. Like this:

For Android:

Right now, sharing a Turtle from the Android app happens from the Live Monitor screen, as seen here. Simply tap the share button, select your preferred sharing method, and send on:

A few things to keep in mind:

  • You can share with as many people as you’d like.
  • The API link expires 24 hours after it’s generated (though you can always create a new one).
  • Only the owner of the Turtle - aka, the phone on which the Turtle was first setup - can share a Turtle (it’s a security measure to ensure access to your baby’s Mimo data stays in the right hands), so if you’re not the owner and you try to share the Turtle, you’ll receive an error saying that you’re not cool enough.
How do I add a new Turtle?

Great question! Have twins or triplets or even more?? Or just thinking about putting your niece into the Mimo while you’re all on vacation? Adding a new Turtle is easy!

For iOS:

  • Head into the Settings section of the app
  • Tap on “Turtles”
  • Tap on the “+” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  • Enter the code on the back of the new Turtle
  • Tap “OK”… and you’re all set!

For Android:

  • Head into the Settings section of the app
  • Tap “Add a Turtle”
  • Enter the ID on the bottom of the new Turtle
  • Tap “Add”, and you’re done!

If you’re adding a new Turtle and you get the following error message:

then either you mis-entered that Turtle ID (it happens! especially at 3am), or that Turtle has already been registered. In the latter case, double check that that Turtle ID is correct, and if it is, then give us a shout and we’ll reset the Turtle for you: 1.877.415.MIMO.

I’m setting up a Turtle, but it’s telling me that it’s a bad Turtle. What do I do?

If you’re trying to add a Turtle that’s already been registered - or you just happened to enter the Turtle ID incorrectly (we all do it - small mobile keyboards…) - then you’ll see this screen if you’re using iOS:

Or this screen if you’re using Android:

So what do you do now?

If you see this, just go back and re-enter the Turtle ID to ensure it was correct the first time, and if you still see it, ask your husband/wife/partner (quite nicely) if they stole your thunder and already registered your Mimo. If so, then they can share it with you - simply check out the article titled “How do I share the Turtle?”. If not, and you’re sure that you’re the first one to register this Turtle, then give us a shout and we’ll reset the Turtle for you: 1.877.415.MIMO.

How do I set up / change alerts?

Your alerts and notifications preferences can be accessed via the Settings section in the app. Simply head into Settings, tap the Turtle for which you wish to change/setup alerts, and scroll down. You’ll see an “Alert Notifications” section, which you can toggle on/off, and if on, you can select which notifications you’d like to receive.

First, before you put your baby to sleep, make sure the volume on your phone is not set to silent or “do not disturb” - this will ensure that the alerts wake you up.

Check it out here for iOS:

To turn on/off alerts for Android:

How do I charge the Turtle, and how long does the charge last?

Simple! To charge the Turtle, simply place it on the Lilypad with the Lilypad plugged into the wall. The Turtle should fit nicely in the space provided, and shouldn’t move around - magnets are an awesome thing! When the Turtle begins to charge, the lights on the bottom of the Lilypad will start glowing “orange” (i.e. green and red simultaneously) and the app will read “Charging” within about 30 seconds.

One hour of charging on the Lilypad should give the Turtle enough juice to go strong for five (5) nights.

What’s the best sleeptime routine to ensure Mimo success?

Great question! We have a few best practices in terms of bedtime routine that we’ve found to enhance the workability of the Mimo.

  • Place your baby in the Mimo kimono, and place the Turtle on the kimono, in the same room as the Lilypad
  • If the app shows “Charging” after you’ve removed the Turtle from the Lilypad, twirl the Turtle in your hand a few times near the Lilypad, until the app changes to “Idle”
  • Make sure the Lilypad is within 5 feet of the baby when she’s wearing the Mimo in her crib
How far should the Turtle be from the Lilypad?

Ideally, the distance between the Lilypad and the Turtle does not exceed five (5) feet. Keeping the two in close proximity to one another ensures that the data connection between them remains strong. Placing the Lilypad next to the crib or bassinet (or wherever your baby is sleeping) is ideal.

How far should the Lilypad be from my router?

A lot of this depends on what kind of router you have, the other devices in your home, and even how your home is built. The basic rule of thumb is that the closer the router is to the Lilypad, the stronger the connection, and the faster data will stream through the cloud to your smartphone or tablet.

Upon setup, the Mimo may have difficulty finding the router, in which case we recommend ensuring your home network is set up properly (see this article for our tips), and moving the Lilypad closer to the router during setup.

Is the Mimo safe for my baby?

Absolutely. We’ve done extensive testing and research on everything from kimono fit to ensuring the Turtle isn’t a choking hazard (don’t worry, we used a standard sized tube to test for this kind of thing), and all results are extremely positive in terms of making sure the Mimo system is safe for your baby. A few key points that are super important here:

  • The Turtle emits an extremely low power bluetooth signal to connect to the Lilypad. It’s the same signal strength as having a video monitor in the same room as the baby.
  • The Lilypad emits a wifi signal, just the same as your router.
  • The kimonos are organic cotton, and the breathing sensors on the kimono are made out of standard T-shirt vinyl and don’t touch your baby’s skin.
  • The Turtle is NOT a choking hazard - it’s too fat (but please don’t tell it that it’s fat; it’s pretty self conscious).

We’ve designed the Mimo to be as safe as possible while still providing you with meaningful insight and real-time information about your baby.

Will the Mimo work with twins/triplets/etc?

First of all, congratulations on having multiples! That’s so exciting. We know you have your hands full, so we’ll keep this brief.

Yes! The Mimo will work with multiples. You’ll only need one Lilypad, and as many Turtles as you have babies. Once you set up one Turtle and the Lilypad, just follow the steps listed out in this article to add more Turtles to your Mimo setup, and you’re good to go. Adding more Lilypads to the room (one Lilypad for each baby) can help, but isn’t necessary.