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alt As warmer weather befalls us, it's important to keep in mind the comfort level of your baby. Chances are probably pretty good that she'll let you know if she's uncomfortable, but it's always good to have a plan if a warmer afternoon/night creeps up on you.

Here are a few quick tips for optimal baby sleep in warmer weather.

  • Remove any unnecessary bedding from her crib. Keeping it light and simple is always best here; if she's wearing a diaper, a onesie or long-sleeved pajamas, and a swaddle, consider forgoing the pajamas or onesie. In the case of a sleepsack, check out something lighter.

  • Remove the crib bumpers. With a fan, more air will circulate if the crib's bumpers are removed. If you use an A/C unit, just make sure it's not blowing directly on her—no need to recreate the polar vortex in her room.

  • Consider a lower-weight swaddle or sleepsack. Hopefully you picked up a few at your shower, but it may be time to start phasing out the heavier swaddle or sleepsack. She'll let you know if you did so too early!

  • Keep an eye on her when she's sleeping in the stroller. Stroller seats

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alt Here at Mimo, we love sleep. We love it when babies sleep. We love it when parents sleep. And we love to talk about sleep.

So it seemed fitting that upon the arrival of Spring, and light, and warmth (well, for some of you, anyway...), that we got into the mood of winding down the Winter and welcoming you into a new era of your well-being.

Basically, it just gives us an excuse to talk more about sleep!

So for the next few weeks, we'll be giving you a regular dose of all things sleep. We'll have members of our community of Mimo Parents sharing their tips and (in some cases harrowing) stories of their little one's sleep, members of the Mimo Team will be giving insights based on data and on their own experiences with their babies, and we may even have an appearance by a baby or two. Yes, they can type. And yes, they're more insightful than you might realize.

So stay tuned, check back here often, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a bit more shut-eye!


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Time for the next installment in our "Made in the USA" series, telling the story of making here at Rest Devices.

As we've shown before, we use our CNC Mill and 3D printers to rapidly test new designs and functionality. We also love to stay as close as we can to every aspect of our product development, so we build everything ourselves.

Today, we're prototyping new ways to heat and cool a bottle for the next Mimo product coming off the line: the Smart Bottle Warmer. The part being 3D printed here is a prototype of what a bottle would sit on inside our bottle warmer. Testing individual parts like this often gives us new insights into how complex components will interact with each other.

And no, I didn't plan on dressing to match the parts.


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To be the broken record, Boston has been a snow factory this winter. You all know this. Since January, Boston has experienced two days above freezing and more than 100 inches of snow. While this has meant disappearing sidewalks, icicles that connect roofs to ground, and longer-than-usual commutes, it's also meant more days at home with family.

I remember what those days used to be like, before kids. Or maybe I should say that I barely remember. Here's the difference:

Before kids:

  1. Sleep in.
  2. Long, calm mornings sipping coffee.
  3. Binge watch any TV show (House of Cards hadn't been written yet!)
  4. Snowshoe or cross-country ski through the streets.
  5. Read books.
  6. Build snow caves.
  7. Play outside with Cooper (he's an awesome dog).
  8. Binge watch another TV show.
  9. Cook chili.
  10. Cocktail competitions with my wife.

After kids:

  1. Wake up at 5:45am.
  2. Hurry to make the coffee before too much happens and I forget to make coffee.
  3. Drink coffee super fast.
  4. Step on 48 toys between the kitchen and the bathroom. Consider cleaning them up. Clean them up. 48 toys find their way to different spots on the floor 7 minutes later.
  5. Spend 35 minutes dressing up my daughter to go outside

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Today marks the start of Daylight Saving Time. Which means that for 96% of the United States (here's to you, Hawaii and Arizona), we turn our clocks forward one hour, lose an hour of sleep, and (for those of us in the northeastern reaches of the country) begin to see a pinprick of light at the end of the winter tunnel.

But if you're like me and have a little one at home, it can mean something entirely different.

Sadie is 21 months old and by now has established a nice sleep pattern. She goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up somewhere between 5:30am and 6:30am. We just returned from California, where we spent only a weekend, but that trip threw everything off. While we were there, Sadie barely napped, she woke up at 4:30 each morning, and upon return, couldn't fall asleep until 9pm and didn't wake up until 7:30am. In the grand scheme of life, I think all of that's OK, but regardless, the routine that we had gotten used to was tossed to the wind, and Sadie's displeasure in our attempts to reintroduce her to East Coast sleeping patterns was all too

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company Mimo & BBB!


We're so psyched to announce that we're live on both buybuybaby.com and bedbathandbeyond.com! We've loved working with the teams at BBB and they've been super supportive of our efforts, of our Smart Nursery vision, and have just been awesome partners as we help take Mimo to more nurseries around the country. Point your browser to buybuybaby.com or bedbathandbeyond.com and check us out!

In-store launch is coming soon...stay tuned!!

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